Price Increase for DMC Threads

Publié par Stacy Pomerleau le

As you know, the cost of just about everything is on the rise these days.

The lastest addition to the rising cost list is DMC threads. There was a first increase from my suppliers a while back that I let slide. However, there has been a second increase and I will need to adjust the price soon. 

As of May 1st, all the prices will be adjusted to the new prices.
So now is a great time to stock on DMC threads before the prices increase!

DMC regular embroidery floss and varigated will go from $1.15/skein to $1.40.
Variations will go from $2.19 to $2.50.
Coloris will go from $2.70 to $3.00.
Étoile will go from $2.30 to 3.50.
The Light Effects (metallics) will go from $2.89 to $4.00. 
Pearl Cotton 3 & 5 will go from $2.49 to $3.00.
Pearl Cotton 8 will go from $3.09 to $3.80.

Please note, if we sell out of a colour, we will increase the price when the stock is replenished (even if that is before May 1st)

Thank you for your understanding and support!


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