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Lacy's Stiff Stuff - Black - 3.5" Round - 6 pack
Lacy's Stiff Stuff - White - 3.5" Round - 6 pack
Lacy's Stiff Stuff - White - 4.25" X 5.5" - 3 pack
SPECIAL ORDER - Italian Acetate Soutache Braid - 2.5mm - Metallics
Italian Acetate Soutache Braid - 2.5mm - Gardenia
Italian Acetate Soutache Braid - 2.5mm - French Grey
Soutache Braid - 3mm - Bright Pink
Soutache Braid - 3mm - Bright Green
Soutache Braid - 3mm - Brown
Soutache Braid - 3mm - Bright Orange
Soutache Braid - 3mm - Yellow
Soutache Braid - 3mm - Black
Soutache Braid - 3mm - Red
Soutache Braid - 3mm - Bright Yellow
Soutache & Bead Embroidery Booklet
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